Why Is Social Wellbeing Important?
by Kat Rowe | May 5, 2022
Social wellbeing is the act of taking care of ourselves, others, and our relationships. When we think about wellness, we typically think of our physical health. But this is only one facet of the 8 dimensions of wellness. Spending quality time with others feels good, right? Whereas spending a lot of time alone can make you feel lonely. So you can see how social wellbeing is equally as important as physical health.
Social wellness contributes to your overall wellbeing. Social health makes you feel positive about interacting with the wider world including with other people. Good social wellbeing means that you can interact with a range of people, you have a sense of belonging, you have empathy, respect and tolerance for others, you can manage emotions in different situations, you can recognise and manage the effects of actions on others, and you are aware of your own and others’ rights and responsibilities.
Benefits of Social Wellbeing
1. Boosts your physical health and mental wellbeing
Social interactions have long and short term influences on your physical health and mental wellbeing. Studies have shown that romantic relationships, for example, form a central source of wellbeing for young adults and adolescents, while support from friends typically correlates with higher levels of resilience.
2. Promotes better overall wellbeing
The more close friends a person has, with whom you can discuss intimate matters, the better your wellbeing. Your wellbeing declines, however, as the number of acquaintances increases. The frequency of interaction with friends and your satisfaction with a friendship has been associated with life satisfaction.
3. Lowers your risk of conditions like dementia
Yes, improving your social wellbeing has been shown to decrease your risk of eventually developing conditions like dementia. This may be because having meaningful conversations with others, talking and listening, helps to keep your brain sharp and your emotional needs met.
4. Gives a sense of safety, security and belonging
It’s not hard to see how having someone you can confide in makes you feel good. After all, sharing secrets and news with someone helps you make decisions and realise what’s important.
How Can I Increase My Social Wellbeing?
1. Make contact with friends regularly
Do you know how sometimes you leave a party or event feeling happy and energised? This is a sign of social wellbeing at work. So, to keep your social wellbeing topped up, schedule regular contact with your friends. You could meet for coffee every week or month or start a club together. Find something you all enjoy!
2. Take classes at a local community centre
What better way to get to know the people living near you? Taking a class or two at your local community centre boosts your social wellbeing and could also promote your physical health or result in learning a new skill.
3. Spend quality time with loved ones
It can be hard to make time for it, especially if they live far away, but talking with your family or other loved ones can go a long way in increasing your social wellbeing. After all, your loved ones are generally some of your most close relationships. You don’t have to complete a cross-country drive every weekend to benefit from this – even a weekly phone call can significantly boost your social wellbeing.
4. Do volunteer work
It may be cliché advice, but carrying out volunteer work helps you boost your social wellbeing while also benefiting the wider community. As you pick litter, clean rocks, plant flowers, or provide other imperative services, you’ll see firsthand what a difference a few people can make, as well as how this benefits so many people.
5. Celebrate your traditions and culture
These days, more and more people are starting to recognise the importance of keeping traditions alive. Traditions are significant and play an essential part in many cultures. Traditions are also typically very social and involve many people. So, it’s no surprise that celebrating your traditions and culture can promote your social wellbeing. Try cooking a traditional recipe, celebrating a traditional event or holiday, or even starting a new tradition.
6. Join a group that correlates with your interests
Do you have hobbies or interests you love; a favourite TV show, hobby, or sport, perhaps? When you meet people who love the same thing as you, it can greatly boost your social well-being! Look online to see if there’s a group near you, or swap tips and post videos online.
7. Participate in community events
Getting involved in community events like parades, parties, bake-offs or competitions can be a memorable occasion. All the planning and preparation can build a real sense of anticipation and excitement. Then when the day does arrive, and your efforts pay off, you’ll feel a great sense of satisfaction. Visit your local community centre or join an online “What’s on near me” group to stay in the loop about your town or state events.
Next Steps
If you are interested in taking the first step on your journey towards your social wellness goals, please contact Stride Mental Health today.