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Helping adults facing mental health concerns

LikeMind is a free and confidential service for adults experiencing any mental health concerns, as well as their families and carers.

At Stride, the team works with people to address their mental health needs and any other concerns they may have, as well as linking them with other services that may be needed.

Our LikeMind locations

Locations operated by Stride in New South Wales include:

Your journey begins with a trained healthcare professional, working with you to understand your current situation and listening to your specific needs. 

Together, the LikeMind team creates a coordinated care plan based on your goals. This will then help to connect you with the services you need, which may be in the LikeMind centre or within the community. 

For the duration of your time with LikeMind, the team will continue to support you with care reviews as required to ensure you are continuing to receive the right support at the right time.

LikeMind’s pathways to integrated mental health care
LikeMind’s pathways to integrated mental health care

LikeMind provides free and confidential integrated services for adults between the ages of 18 and 65 years experiencing mental health concerns, as well as their families and carers.

LikeMind Orange and Wagga Wagga are operated by Stride and funded by the NSW Ministry of Health.

It is recommended that you speak to your GP or other health professional for a referral, or you can self-refer by contacting LikeMink directly.

LikeMind is committed to inclusive practice. The team welcomes and accepts everyone, irrespective of their culture, language, gender, sexuality, lifestyle, values and beliefs, abilities, appearance, or socio-economic differences.

Please note that some services require a Medicare card.


What is LikeMind

LikeMind is a free and confidential service for adults experiencing mental health concerns, as well as their families and carers. It provides integrated mental health services in New South Wales, including locations in Orange and Wagga Wagga.

Who can use LikeMind services?

LikeMind provides services for adults between the ages of 18 and 65 experiencing mental health concerns, along with their families and carers.

Where is LikeMind available via Stride?

LikeMind is available in Orange, Wagga Wagga and Western Sydney.

How do I access LikeMind services?

You can make a referral to LikeMind Orange via our Online Referral Form here. Alternatively you can contact LikeMind directly by phone, email or by visiting the centre.

You can refer yourself, a friend or a family member, or obtain a referral through your GP or other healthcare professional.

What can I expect from my journey with LikeMind?

Your journey with LikeMind begins with a trained healthcare professional who will work with you to understand your current situation and goals. Together, you will create a coordinated care plan to connect you with the services you need, either at LikeMind or in the community. The team will continue to support you with care reviews as required.

Is LikeMind inclusive?

Yes, LikeMind is committed to inclusive practice and welcomes everyone, irrespective of their culture, language, gender, sexuality, lifestyle, values and beliefs, abilities, appearance, or socio-economic differences.

Do I need a Medicare card to access LikeMind services?

Some services at LikeMind may require a Medicare card. It is recommended to enquire about specific requirements when accessing the service.

LikeMind Orange and Wagga Wagga are proudly operated by Stride.
LikeMind is funded by the NSW Ministry of Health.

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