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Youth Mental Health Services

Programs and Resources For Young People On Their Mental Health Journey

Did you know 75% of mental health conditions in adulthood emerge by age 25? We understand that being a young person today comes with its own set of hurdles, and we’re here to provide the support and guidance you need to overcome them.  

Our adolescent and youth mental health services can help young people better manage their thoughts and emotions, and get back to enjoying life.

You’re not alone on this journey – let us help you navigate towards a brighter, healthier future.

Feeling like something isn’t quite right?

Growing up comes with its ups and downs. But when it feels like it’s harder than it should be, the best thing to do is reach out. 

If you’re having thoughts or experiences that make everyday life difficult, it’s important to talk to someone and seek support.

At Stride, we’re here to help you find the relevant support, by connecting you with a range of mental health services, helping you to take that first big step.

Your mental health journey begins here

As the largest provider of headspace centres in Australia, we’re here to support you in all stages of your mental health journey. From someone to chat with when you’re experiencing signs of depression or anxiety, to being connected with a safe place to stay with care and support, we’re here to help.

Our Youth Mental Health Services

We can help connect you to a range of services including:

headspace Services

headspace services are FREE, confidential, inclusive to all and available for those aged 12-25 years old. headspace provides a range of support in the following areas: 

  • Mental Health 
  • Physical Health (including Sexual Health)
  • Work and Study Support
  • Alcohol and Other Drug Supports

Whatever is going on in a young person’s life, whatever you are feeling, sit down and chat with someone at a headspace centre. Stride operates 10 headspace centres across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.

Early psychosis

An episode of psychosis can be confronting. headspace’s Early Psychosis Program gives young people FREE and confidential support to work through individual treatment programs.

headspace Work and Study Program

headspace Work and Study Program provides a place to learn new skills such as:

  • Interview techniques
  • Job Coaching
  • Navigating support services and Centrelink
  • Finding employment opportunities
  • And on-the-job support. 

headspace aims to match you with an employer that prioritises your mental health.

Uplift Ipswich

Uplift is a youth mental health support program, catered towards people aged 12-25 who are experiencing, or are at risk of experiencing moderate to severe, and or complex mental health needs.

Support includes:

  • Psychological therapies
  • Therapeutic case management
  • Youth work
  • Functional recovery
  • Outreach support
  • And access to medical care, employment and education.

Our Youth Residential Services

Transitional Supported Living

Providing residential support for those living with complex mental health concerns from three locations in NSW – Kurinda, Mawarra and Biala, this service provides medium-term accommodation with 24/7 support and is suitable for young people aged 14-24.

Referrals can be made through Local Health District Community Mental Health Teams only.

Step Up Step Down

Located in Cairns, Queensland, Step Up Step Down provides young people with 24/7 support, with stays between 14 and 28 days. Step Up Step Down provide:

  • Help with work and study for those with mental health concerns
  • Drug and alcohol counselling
  • And Independent living skills.

If you are a young person who has experienced a mental health episode, it is important to access the support you need, when you need it. Referrals are welcome from a range of sources.

Youth Residential Rehabilitation Services

Located in Brisbane and Cairns, Queensland, young people aged between 16-21 can access short to longer-term accommodation and 24/7 support.

This service is suitable for those who need assistance and support with day-to-day living and who have severe or complex mental health concerns. 

Referrals are to come from State Health Departments only.

Therapeutic Community Placement

Services are available in South-West Queensland. This service is designed for young people needing assistance and support with day-to-day living, who have severe or complex mental health concerns. 

This residential service supports young people who are under the care of the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services. Referrals are to come from Child Safety Placement Support Services only

Our Family Mental Health Services

We work closely with families to provide intensive support for young people experiencing mental health challenges.

Take 2

Take 2 services are located in Cairns, Queensland and provide up to 12 months of support for under-18-year-olds with complex mental health needs at our place or yours. 

The Take 2 service works on goal setting, mentoring and practice support in the form of group or individual activities.

Vibrant Futures

Vibrant Futures is a FREE, non-clinic, early intervention family support program, offering support for young people aged up to 18 years old, and their families. 

With the goal of improving wellbeing goals, the Vibrant Futures program offers short or long-term support options, in line with young people, and their families’ needs. The program is an inclusive service that provides support to all cultural backgrounds including:

  • Aboriginal 
  • Torres Strait Islander
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse families. 

Support provided can include: 

  • Support to young people who may be at risk of experiencing mental health concerns, and their families. 
  • Support for school disengagement, and the reasons behind refusal to attend school.
  • Advocating on behalf of their clients and linking family and young people with other services.
  • Assistance with getting to a Vibrant Futures session.
  • Facilitation of social and activity groups, and much more.

Mental health challenges not only affect the individual, but also those around them. If you’re supporting someone with mental health concerns, it can be easy to forget about nurturing your own wellbeing. If you’re in need of family mental health support, follow the link to learn more.

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