Why is Integrated Care So Important?
by Kat Rowe | June 18, 2021

Mental ill-health in Australia is common, with 1 in 5 (that’s over 5 million Australian’s) experiencing some level of mental health need each year and 1 in 2 (46%) experience a mental health disorder in their lifetime*. The economic costs in Australia of mental ill-health is estimated to be between $50-60 billion every year.
Mental health effects and is affected by multiple socioeconomic factors, including a person’s access to services, living conditions and employment status, and affects not only the individual but also their families and carers.
Timely access to a suite of health and social support services is crucial, however historically, models of care have been fragmented and inadequate in addressing complex needs.
What is integrated health care?
Integrated health care, often referred to as interprofessional health care, is an approach characterised by a high degree of collaboration and communication among health and support services. An integrated approach takes a holistic view and coordinates care around an individual’s needs, values, preferences and their own understanding of health and wellbeing. It seeks to overcome fragmented service delivery, and to improve quality and cost-efficiency of care.
This approach involves working with individuals, their families, and carers to provide person-centred, recovery oriented, trauma informed support to allow them to lead functional and fulfilling lives.
What is a ‘health and wellbeing hub’?

Stride Health and Wellbeing Hubs deliver an integrated service which leverages the best of local mental health delivery experience and provides a seamless, connected, and safe experience for consumers.
This unique service model was the first of its kind in Australia with a focus on integrating health and community services through a central Hub. Since commencing operating Health and Wellbeing Hubs, we have continued to evaluate and refine our model to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the community.
Our model is implemented by a collaborative team of co-located, outreach, and referral partners representing a welcoming, non-stigmatising ‘no-wrong-door’ entry for access to multi-disciplinary support. Our service model is person-centred, trauma-informed and recovery-oriented ensuring individuals and their natural supports are provided the service best suited to their particular needs.
The aim is to equip people with the resources and supports that will allow them to manage their challenges through a tailored combination of group, peer, self-help, personalised and family and carer supports.
How can someone access our Health & Wellbeing Hub?
Access to a Health & Wellbeing Hub is designed to be flexible and to cater to a range of preferences and circumstances. People can attend in person, speak on the phone, via email or even through telehealth. Referrals can be self-made, from a health provider or come via family and friends. No appointments are needed, and services are free of charge.
How do you know that Health & Wellbeing Hubs work?
Over 30 studies have found integrated care programs to be more effective than usual care for mental health disorders. An evaluation of our Health and Wellbeing Hub model found that the model:
- Filled a significant gap in service provision and increased accessibility.
- Decreased ED presentations and admissions.
- Improved outcomes and quality of life
- High levels of satisfaction with their experience of care.
Everyone is on their own journey to recovery and we understand the importance of taking a holistic approach and providing care at the right time.
Stride Hubs are for adults (aged 18-65), inclusive of families, carers and other natural supports that require social and emotional wellbeing support. They are located in Wagga Wagga and Orange in NSW, and Caboolture and Springwood in QLD.
If you or someone you care for needs help, you can find your nearest service here. If you are looking to refer a consumer, you can fill in our enquiry form and one of our teams will be in touch to support your enquiry.
Quick Links
- Mental Health Services
- NDIS Support Coordination
- Children’s Mental Health Services
- Youth Mental Health Services
- Adult Mental Health Services
- NDIS Provider Services
- Mental Health Accommodation
*Australian Institute of Health and Welfare