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by Kat Rowe | October 1, 2021

Health and wellness are an everyday topic of conversation. Nutrition tips get shared. Exercises get added to the “must-do” list. And physical check-ups are scheduled to keep you healthy. But what about emotional wellness? Do you follow up on that regularly? Or does it get pushed to the side? We tend to not give the same priority to our emotional wellness as our physical wellness, and it unfortunately, gets overlooked. 

Health is more than just physical and all aspects of wellness should be considered for you to live a long, happy life. Let’s look at some things you can do to stay emotionally healthy. 

What is emotional wellness? 

One of the ‘Eight Dimensions of Wellness’, ‘Emotional Wellness’ refers to your ability to deal with your emotions. It’s the understanding and awareness surrounding how you feel at any given time. Your emotions can affect your ability to deal with daily challenges and carry out your normal activities. It can also affect your relationships. Your emotional wellness is how you handle life’s stresses and how you adapt to your daily situations and difficult life events.

Tips for achieving emotional wellness

Daily stressors are normal for everyone. Yours will be different than someone else’s, but the key is to know what your triggers are and how to best handle them. Managing your stressors will help you stay resilient in times of emotional strife. Here are a few ways to handle those moments, including the challenges of COVID-19 and endless lockdowns. 

Stay Positive. Appreciate the moments you have with family and friends, and hold onto those emotions as much as possible. Focus on the good things in life and give yourself credit for each good thing you accomplish. Remember to smile. It is a quick pick-me-up solution for when you’re feeling down. 

Get Sleep. Quality sleep is vital to both your physical and mental health. Set aside time to relax before bed and create a routine that will help you fall asleep. Ideally go to bed at the same time each night so your body becomes accustomed to your bedtime routine. 

Establish Boundaries. Having too much to do can cause stress and anxiety. It can overwhelm you and make you feel as if you haven’t accomplished anything. Learn to say no and stick to it when you do. Don’t let people talk you into doing things that you don’t want to do or that you don’t have time for. It’s your time. Use it wisely.  

Find Connections. Social connections and friends have a strong impact on your emotional state. Strengthen your circle by keeping in touch both in person andonline. Grow your circle by joining a new exercise group, volunteering in your community, or starting a new hobby. 

Relieve Stress. Stress is a normal part of life, but it’s important to have a way to shed that stress when it becomes too much. Know what works best for you and put it to practice. Try going for a walk, doing yoga, meditating, taking a bath, spending time in nature, or any other activities you love.  

Practice makes perfect

The more you practice creating positive emotions, the more natural it becomes. Honing these skills can be easier when you have someone working with you to achieve mental clarity. Having this companion can make a difference in your quest for emotional wellness.

At Stride, we’re here for you no matter what you’re experiencing. We know that everyone has times of stress, but you don’t have to do it alone. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help, contact us today. 

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