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by Kat Rowe | March 1, 2022

Most kids feel positive and happy about themselves, at least most of the time. Just like adults, however, children also struggle with the stresses of daily life. From school and social pressures to relationships with siblings and parents, life presents challenges to them.

To support the mental health of your children, it’s important to build and nourish intellectual wellness. When a healthy brain and mind is supported, kids will experience better thinking skills and improved mental health outcomes.

What is Intellectual Wellness?

Intellectual wellness is about supporting mental health by stimulating the brain and looking after the mind. It is the active pursuit, development, and integration of a positive mind state. Intellectual wellness is one of the eight Dimensions of Wellness and a central pillar of mental health. While all eight pillars have a connection to mental health, intellectual wellness involves the active development of positive thinking skills.

The meaning of intellectual wellness can be defined as cognitive curiosity backed by resilience and self-confidence. It means being excited about the world and wanting to learn more about how it works. For children, an active brain and healthy mind offers a variety of benefits. Focusing on intellectual wellness can help kids to improve their thinking skills, integrate their emotions, and find creative ways to overcome challenges.

Intellectual wellness helps kids to focus on what matters and make valuable connections with the big wide world.

How to Develop Intellectual Wellness in Kids

A rich cognitive life is important for children of all ages. While most kids have a positive relationship with their mind, intellectual wellness needs to be supported. A healthy mind can be developed through creative hobbies, healthy lifestyle habits, and loving relationships.

The following ideas are a great way to promote intellectual wellness in kids:

1. Show and communicate love

To build strength and resilience, kids need to feel loved. Talk about emotions with your children, give them lots of hugs, and don’t be afraid to communicate through words and actions.

2. Use positive feedback

Kids learn best when you adopt a positive teaching approach. Instead of focusing on negative consequences and correction, try being constructive and consistent with your praise and attention.

3. Enjoy time together

Spending time with your children helps their minds to grow, and it’s also lots of fun. Share creative ideas, discover new activities, and make time for your kids on a regular basis.

4. Support creative hobbies

From painting and crafts to LEGO building and music, creative expression helps the mind to expand. Support hobbies outside school and give your kids an opportunity to create something new.

5. Promote physical activities

From organised team sports to long walks in the park, physical movement helps to inspire new brain connections. Try different physical activities to help your kids decompress and feel great.

6. Encourage social connections

When children have healthy relationships, they are more likely to feel happy, fulfilled, and connected. Develop active social connections to help your kids relate better to others.

7. Eat a healthy diet

When you eat a healthy and balanced diet as a family, your kids have the fuel they need to cope with daily life. When you cook and eat fresh food, you are encouraging positive lifestyle habits.

8. Ensure rest and reduce stress

The brain needs regular rest in order to manage stress. Encourage healthy sleeping habits and teach your kids the valuable art and science of perspective.

9. Teach problem-solving skills

When kids have the ability to solve problems, they can tackle anything life throws their way. Encourage mindfulness, teach conflict management, and allow your kids to think outside the box.

Getting Started

If you want to give your kids the best chance to thrive, intellectual wellness is critical. 

Please review our Dimensions of Wellness page to learn more about kids’ wellness. With powerful insights and simple lifestyle advice, you can give your kids a solid foundation for the future.

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