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headspace service provider referral

This form is for referrals from professionals, schools and community agencies.

Privacy is important to us, the information on this form will be kept confidential in line with headspace and Stride policies.

headspace Privacy Policy:

Stride Privacy Policy and Statement:

Note: If you are a young person or the family or friend of a young person looking to refer to headspace please click here.

"*" indicates required fields

Referrer details

Young person's details

Does the young person consent to the referral to headspace?*
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Is an interpreter required?
Is the young person Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?*

Young Person's Contact Details

Is it okay to send relevant mail to this address?
Contact preference

Emergency Contact Details for Young Person

Further Information

Presenting Issues
(please tick all that apply)
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 5 MB.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 5 MB.
      Would the young person like to involve a family member or support person in the next steps of connecting with headspace?*

      Please note that headspace is not an emergency service. For mental health emergencies please contact your local health service or call 000.

      This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

      Stride with Us

      Donate to make a difference.