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by Kat Rowe | October 1, 2021

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was conceived to provide support to people with disabilities, as well as their families and carers. It comprises individualised support packages for eligible individuals with disabilities.

One key element of the NDIS scheme is your NDIS plan. This plan is unique to your life situation or circumstances as an individual with a disability.

If you’re unsure about your NDIS plan or don’t know what it should include, keep reading.

An NDIS Plan – The basics

In general, your NDIS plan provides information on your goals, aspirations and the kind of support you need.

Your NDIS plan doesn’t change but if there is a change in your circumstances it will get reviewed and a new plan created.

The NDIS plan contains information discussed in your planning meeting. with the NDIA or your Local Area Coordinator (LAC). It will have some information about you, your disability, what you do on a day-to-day basis and your living arrangements. It will also include the names of friends and family that currently provide support for you, and any services and community groups that you are connected to.

Your NDIS goals will be listed, including your short- and long-term goals and the supports you may need to achieve these.

It will also mention funding amounts, including how much is needed for each support category and a recommendation on how to use the funding provided. This funding is based on what is reasonable and necessary for you to achieve your goals under NDIS supports.

Three parts of the NDIS plan

Every NDIS plan comes in the same format, but the content of yours will be unique to you.

When you check your NDIS plan, you will notice on the first page certain details, such as your name, NDIS number, the name and contact details of the NDIS local office or your Local Area Coordinator (LAC), and the start and review dates of your NDIS plan.

Every NDIS plan comprises three major sections:

  • Part 1 – About Me: This section is meant to provide a brief description of you and your everyday life. It should include the names of activities you indulge in or enjoy, as well as any people supporting you.
  • Part 2 – My Goals: This part of your NDIS plan encompasses your list of goals as agreed with your LAC or planner. Your goal list may comprise two to three goals that you will be working towards during the term of your plan.
  • Part 3 – My Supports: Among all three sections of your NDIS plan, this one tends to be the longest and most detailed. My Supports includes information on the crucial supports in your NDIS plan. These supports consist of any help you’ll be receiving from your informal support system (family and friends), mainstream and community supports, assistance from government facilities (e.g. health, transport, school), and ‘Reasonable and Necessary’ supports, which also cover the amount of funding you’ll have access to during the course of your plan.

One of the more challenging aspects of Part 3 of your NDIS plan is the support budgets. There are three types that may be funded in your plan: Core Supports, Capacity Building Supports and Capital Supports.

Categorising your supports budget can be challenging; however, you have your LAC or Support Coordinator to help you understand the finer points of your plan and to assist you to implement your plan and choose the right providers for you.

Start using your NDIS plan today

The sooner you can work out the details of your NDIS plan with your LAC or Support Coordinator, the better. A complete and thorough personalised NDIS plan moves you closer to the assistance you need.

We will be happy to help implement your approved NDIS plan concerning your mental health needs simply contact us.

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