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Uplift Ipswich

Uplift is co-located with headspace Ipswich, supporting young people living in the West Moreton region.
Uplift Ipswich Referral Notice

Our Uplift Ipswich service is currently closed for referrals due to being at capacity. We anticipate opening to new referrals in September 2024.

For alternative supports you can connect with:

  • Ipswich Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health Centre): 1800 595 212
  • 1300 MH Call: 1300 642 255
  • Child and Youth Mental Health Service, Ipswich: (07) 3817 2360
  • headspace Ipswich: (07) 3280 7900
  • eheadspace: 1800 650 890

For all current clients please email or call headspace Ipswich (07) 3280 7900 if you have any questions or concerns.

In an emergency please contact 000.
If you need to speak to someone urgently, please call:

  • Lifeline on 13 11 14
  • Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636
  • Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467

Uplift is a youth mental health support program delivered by lead agency Stride and funded by the Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN to provide care to young people aged 12-25 years who are experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, moderate-to-severe and/ or complex mental health needs and functional impairment.

Uplift provides a collaborative and integrative service to young people (YP). Uplift consists of a multidisciplinary team that provides individual and group support based on the needs and goals of each young person.

Support includes evidence-based individualised psychological therapies, therapeutic case management, youth work, functional recovery, outreach support, access to medical care and access to education and employment services delivered by onsite Individual Placement and Support (IPS).



  • Aged 12-25 years
  • Resides in the West Moreton region
  • Experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, moderate-to-severe or complex mental health needs and functional impairment
  • Young people experiencing moderate to major impacts on social, educational and / or occupational functioning
  • Young people who have not already received a significant period of treatment for the same presenting issue
  • Consenting and able to engage in the Youth Enhanced Service; willing to engage in goal- based therapy and case management for a 6-month period
  • Is medically stable and has a sufficient BMI for psychological work
  • Associated complexity of presentation that cannot be managed in a typical primary care setting (e.g GP, private allied health provider, school/university counsellor, headspace Centre)
  • Where appropriate completion of Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool (IAR)
  • Recommended Level of Care 3 and 4


  • Primary presenting issues that require a specialist service: psychotic disorders; neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD, ASD and intellectual disability; disruptive, impulse control and conduct disorders; severe & complex eating disorders; and primary diagnosis of substance use disorder, which may lead to duplication of services
  • At acute risk of harm to themselves or others
  • In need of services that would be more appropriately delivered within an acute or hospital setting or by QLD Health community mental health services

Ph: 07 3280 7900
Fax: 07 3280 7999
26 East Street, Ipswich, QLD 4305.


Uplift Ipswich and headspace Ipswich are not acute mental health crisis services.

If you have any immediate concern for the safety of a young person, please direct them to the accident and emergency department at the nearest hospital or dial 000 in an emergency. Or refer the young person to Acute Mental Health Services.

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