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by Kat Rowe | December 21, 2023

Start the new year on the right foot with achievable goals

As the dawn of the new year approaches, the chance to set aspirational, realistic new year goals also comes. 

It’s only natural for us to reflect on the past year, and envision the possibilities that lie ahead. As we approach the end of the calendar year, the buzzword on everyone’s mind is ‘new year goals.’ 

Yet, among the excitement of setting resolutions, it’s important to set realistic and achievable goals – which are the cornerstone of personal fulfilment.

An individualised approach to setting new year goals

No two individuals are the same, making each of us unique. So, as you embark on your journey to set new year goals, take the time to discover your strengths and build on your past successes.

Identify goals that are based on your abilities, and don’t forget to celebrate every achievement along the way. Remember, the path to success is as individual as you are.

Cultivating self-compassion 

Setting new year goals is an exciting adventure, but the key to ensuring the lasting success of your goals lies in developing and nurturing self-compassion. 

By adopting a SMART approach, ensuring goals are; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely, we can empower ourselves with a roadmap for success.

Break down long-term goals into manageable steps, and ensure they align with your strengths. Not only does it make sure your goals are challenging whilst being realistic, but it also promotes a positive and sustainable path to personal growth.

Seeking and offering support

Having a good support system around you is essential for nurturing mental health. Open communication plays a pivotal role in maintaining a positive mindset.

Know when and how to reach out for help, and remember that it’s okay to adjust your goals to suit your evolving needs. Setbacks are normal, but remember that there is no such thing as failure. Each obstacle is an opportunity for growth.

Flexibility and adaptivity

Life is dynamic, and so are your goals, so remember to embrace flexibility and adaptivity. 

Be sure to celebrate the result, and also celebrate your progress and achievements along the way. Acknowledge wins along the way, no matter how big or small, by doing so, you create a positive atmosphere that fuels your motivation and resilience. 

Shifting focus to the journey, not just the destination

As we embark on the journey of setting new year goals, let’s celebrate the diversity of our aspirations and the strength in our unique abilities. Remember, the path to success is as individual as you are, and setbacks are just stepping stones to growth. 

As you set your new year goals, share your aspirations, challenges and triumphs. If you ever find yourself needing support or guidance, please reach out to your support network. Let’s make 2024 a year of positive strides towards improved mental health and wellbeing.

If you, or someone you know, require support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Stride Mental Health team. 

If you are in need of urgent mental health support please reach out to one of the following resources: 

Lifeline – 13 11 14 

Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636

13YARN – 13 92 76

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