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by Kat Rowe | October 1, 2021

Strategies for Student Wellbeing: Achieving Emotional Wellness While Studying

Understanding and finding emotional wellness can often be a challenge for students. You’re most likely feeling a range of emotions and the influence of social media can contribute to you judging yourselves and others. 

We all know that being online has been crucial with the COVID-19 lockdowns, and while this has been great for keeping in touch with your friends and relatives, it can also put a strain on the relationship you have with yourself. Too much scrolling of accounts of those that appear to have it ‘all worked out’, can leave you feeling empty and lacking. After all, humans are social, and interacting online isn’t quite the same as real human contact. 

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Learning to manage your emotions and your reactions can help you attain a balance and create a healthy emotional state. Talking with someone when you’re in need can also help. Here are a few tricks to help you balance out those feelings. 

Be aware of your surroundings

Notice your feelings and what you are doing when you feel a certain way. Are you sad, frustrated or angry when you are around certain people or doing a specific activity? If so, avoid those triggers when you can, or address them head-on so you can change your emotions and reactions.  

Share your feelings

Let people in. When something is wrong, talk to those closest to you. Don’t hold the feelings of anger and frustrations inside you. This adds to your daily stress and can cause problems with your work or classmates. 

Stop and think

Take a deep breath and look around. Give yourself time to calm down before you react to a problem. Acting out of anger could cause you to do something you may regret later. 

Manage your stress

Stress management comes in many different forms. Try deep breathing, yoga, meditation, reading, taking a bath, going for a walk or just enjoying nature. Pick out the method that works best for you and use it when you need stress relief.

Enjoy life

People strive to do things better and faster. As a student, you tend to work hard and focus on getting in everything you can. Don’t forget to make time for play and rest. Take a step back and focus on the positive things in life and learn to relax for a few minutes each day.

Don’t forget your physical health

We all know this one works – eat healthy, exercise and get enough sleep to keep your body healthy. If you are physically down and out, your mental health can quickly follow. 


Take time to connect with others when you can. Have lunch, go to the park, or enjoy a bike ride with a friend. Positive offline interactions with other people can bolster your mood and leave you feeling positive. 

Focus on what’s important

What makes your heart smile? Is it your family, friends, school, uni,  a club or something else? Focus on making those things the most important. Everything else can wait.

Staying positive

Focusing on the positive can help you through the toughest times in life. But there are times when it can be beneficial to have someone to talk to. If you’re being impacted by COVID-19, overwhelmed by your studies, or just generally have a sense of emotional unwellness, reach out to us today. A conversation can kick start your path to emotional wellness. Let’s walk that path together.

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