Accessing NDIS Specialist Support Coordination with Stride
by Kat Rowe | September 2, 2022
Our goal is to help all Australians live an independent and fulfilled life. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plays a big part in helping those with a disability as a result of a mental health condition to access the funds to achieve that goal.
As a specialist provider of mental health services, it can be difficult to navigate the NDIS process to get the right help, particularly for complex cases. Our Specialist Support Coordination service works as the intermediary between the participant and NDIS to ensure the participant’s high level, complex needs and goal aspirations are met. Working with healthcare providers, our Specialist Support Coordinators can be a source of knowledge and experience in the NDIS realm to help your patients live satisfying lives in the long and short term.
While the NDIS supports people with a disability, their families and carers, the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the government organisation that implements and manages the NDIS. As the intermediary, we work with NDIA, who collaborate with mainstream and community services, to simplify the participant’s support plan, address barriers preventing effective plan implementation and encourage personal, social and emotional progression and better quality of life.
Who Provides Specialist Support Coordination?

We understand navigating your NDIS plan and support services can be a challenge. There are several levels of support coordination available to the participant, but when more complex needs and risks are presented, a higher level of support is required. These complexities can include homelessness, behavioural concerns like self-harm or harm to others, physical and/or verbal aggression, and victim of abuse, this could be physical, emotional or financial.
Our team of clinically trained Specialist Support Coordinators deeply consider our participant’s best interests and take direction from them as well as their families and carers to co-design and tailor support plans that enable them to:
- Connect to the NDIS and other support services including community, mainstream and government services.
- Understand their funding options, their specific plan and how to navigate the NDIS
- Monitor and manage plan budgets and optimise their funded supports
- Prepare for plan reviews
- Realise and establish individual goals during the support coordination.
Our Specialist Support Coordinators are registered Allied Health Practitioners who are expertly equipped to provide information on their participant’s functional capacity. Our specialists assess and clarify any complex nuances so the participant can gain access to and maintain the most appropriate long-term support plan that’s geared towards their individual needs and aspirations.
Address and Overcome Complex Barriers
Complex barriers, such as complicated living situations, communication issues, or living with family members who also live with a disability – just to name a few, can play a significant role in preventing the participants from accessing and keeping the appropriate NDIS support.
Our team work with the participants, their families and carers to:
- Recognise and find solutions to address these barriers so the participant can access, use and maintain their support plan.
- Implement a program that overcomes these barriers and prioritises immediate support while establishing longer term solutions.
Design of Services Plans for Complex Support Needs
Depending on the significance of the participant’s complex support needs, our Specialist Support Coordinators connect with a wide network of community, mainstream or government support services (both funded and non-funded) to coordinate a holistic and comprehensive plan. The complex service plan is designed with you to:
- Ensure all services work effectively and cohesively for the participant to pursue their goals
- Enable communication and collaboration within the participant’s network of support services
- Help the participant, their family and carers to resolve any issues
- Ensure consistent delivery of support services in a crisis or unplanned situation.
How to Access Stride’s Specialist Support Coordination
The NDIS can provide lifelong funding to people with mental health concerns. To acquire our help with NDIS funding, choose Stride as the NDIS provider of choice. Once we receive the NDIA referral, we will be in touch to organise next steps.
For more information about NDIS Support and our Specialist Support Coordination services, email