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by Kat Rowe | August 2, 2024

Hi, my name is Lisa, I live in the Orange NSW region and Stride services have played an important role in my mental health journey. Around 12 months ago, my Stride Support Coordinator, Rosanna Romeo introduced me to my Recovery Coach Jane Brow, which kick-started my journey towards better mental health.

Around 2 years ago I went through cancer treatment and lost all my hair. At the time I was sad about the news, but I knew that I had to get on with the treatment and try to stay positive.

Creating mental health goals with the support of Stride

During my meeting with Jane, we discussed setting future-focused goals, and working out what I wanted to achieve during our time together. 

One of my biggest personal goals was to lose weight. It was suggested that I go off my medication, under the guidance of my Psychiatrist, which I followed through with. 

My withdrawal reactions when getting off my medication were severe, but with the support of Jane, I was able to persevere.

Taking the next steps of my mental health journey

Through this process, I started walking, exercising, and taking my dog with me for company. 

Over time, I have managed to drop 26 kgs which has improved my confidence and helped me feel so much better about myself. 

As my mental health improved, I then focused on my goal to start looking for casual work. 

I spoke to Jane about my thoughts on this and vocalised my desire to give back and work in a rewarding environment, which for me was in the disability sector. My Support Coordinator, Rosa suggested a few local providers, so  Jane and I set out to work on applying for a suitable role. 

We got my resume updated and Jane sent this along to a disability provider in my local area. Before I knew it, I got called in for an interview. 

Jane and I worked on my interview skills which gave me the confidence to go to the interview on my own and have a go.  One week later I got a call, they advised me I got the job as a casual Disability Worker. 

I was so excited and proud of myself for doing this all on my own, with Stride right by my side every step of the way. I immediately called Jane with the great news. She was very excited for me and very proud of what I had done. 

It has taken me a long time to get to where I am at, but it hasn’t always been easy. Having positivity, courage and belief in yourself goes a long way. Knowing there are people like Jane and Rosa on hand encouraging and believing in you helps with your confidence. 

I am slowly getting my life back on track.

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